Friday, January 09, 2009

Part 3 - The Assault

Formal introductions and the briefing for the mission were over quickly. Each warrior knew that the fate of the planet hung in the success of their mission, and they knew they would rather perish in battle than let the Lord Emperor down. Soon, all 15 of them were aboard the Thunderhawk, racing toward the heart of the enemy, in the dead of the night.

Sister Millenia was checking her gear and her flame thrower when she noticed VC Ian pacing the ship quietly, as if in deep thought. "What bothers you so, brother?" She asked, when he walked pass her. "Does the squad leader have a plan to strike the enemy yet?"

VC Ian looked up in surprise, a little annoyed to be interrupted from his thoughts, but formed a smile when he saw Sister Millenia's earnest face. "Yes of course we do. We have to form 2 squads, one to create a diversion, one to infiltrate the Orkas stronghold, and maybe two warriors to be on standby to secure the LZ (Landing Zone)."

Sister Millenia simply asked, "Permission to make a request, Vice-Captain?"

VC Ian raised an eye brow. He was not used to requests coming from his men. "Speak freely, sister. What is your request?"

"May I request to follow you into battle? I've heard many stories of your bravery and leadership, and would like to have the honour of experiencing it in battle today." She almost turned red from embarrassment at that statement.

VC Ian was a little taken aback as well. Not that he didn't know about the stories or rumours about his exploits, but that even a revered sister could stand in awe of him, he was truly humbled and replied, "Of course, I look forward to working with you as well.. Millenia." He smiled and walked away.


In the dense jungles of the planet Batukara, the Wicked Orka Clan had secured their stronghold. Being crude, low-intelligence creatures, they simply mimicked whatever building or castle they have seen before, throwing together pieces of metal and wood in a haphazard way, to build a large and ugly fort which held some 200,000 Orks, growling and shrieking at each other, along with their primitive weaponary of axes, shootas, rocketss and vehicles of war. Out of the large mass of Orks, a group of about 20 Orks stood out, being almost double in size and grossly muscled, with teeth as long as a human's index finger and claws as big as an elephants tusks. These were the leaders of the Wicked Orkas, the targets of the Strikeforce Space Marines. Defeat these, and the remaining Orks, without leaders, will simply turn on each other in a thirst for endless war.

A small squad of 15 against 20 massive and cruel giant Ork leaders, and with 200,000 Orks at their command. The odds were stacked heavily against our heroes, and they probably needed a miracle to get their job done.


The drop pods landed more than 10 km from the stronghold, and the Space Marines and Battle Sisters began their daring assault.

It was a simple plan. Sergeant Neo and Brother Rohan would form a 2-man team and go on a "Cross Roads" saboteur mission and join up with the main force later. 5 Marines and 3 Sisters lead by Chaplain Grifter would be the distraction assault "Alpha", while the remaining 3 Marines and 2 Sisters lead by Vice-Captain Ian would be the War-boss killing squad "Flightphesy", moving under cover and stealth into the rooms of the 20 Warboss Orks. A simple plan with textbook strategy. However, none of them expected the disastrous results of their plan, and the unnerving cunning of the Wicked Orkas. They would be even more shocked at the appearance of an unexpected force.


Squad Alpha were moving slowly, as they had to allow squad Flightphesy to move quickly to higher ground and jet pack silently into the compound of the Orka stronghold. They would give Flightphesy about 3 hours lead time, before making the distraction to draw the majority of the Orks out for battle. Or at least that was how the plan should have been.

"My brothers and sisters, as we prepare for battle today, remember that we only go into battle to preserve the authority of the Emperor, for the glory of the Imperium of Man, and for the safety and prosperity of the generations to come. We are not here to rain mindless slaughter on the enemy for selfish reasons of territory or revenge, or worse still, unreasonable animalistic lust for war. Yet, when we strike, we will be swift and without mercy, we will give no quarter for we shall receive none. We will cut them down and let the fury of the God-Emperor burn them to the ground. And we shall give thanks for the honour of this task, this suicide mission. But do not think we go to our deaths, but to our destiny!" Chaplain Grifter gave his rousing speech, after reading the Litanies of Battle and positioning his warriors. Though he spoke with an edge of victory in his voice, he knew, and his warriors knew, that this day might be the last day for some, or even all of them.

A handful of Space Marines and Battle Sisters, no matter how formidable or skilful or powerful, were no match for the hundreds of thousands of Orks which were gathering on the planet. They had no armoured vehicles, no air support, no escape plan. They were here to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the greater mission, to ensure that squad Flightphesy carries out their mission as quickly as possible.

They formed the firing line at the edge of the clearing. Brother Yuri with his meltagun, Reid with his rocket launcher, Rallen with his heavy bolter, Sharlyntte with her twin sonic blasters, Shona with her standard flame thrower and Destiny with a mounted heavy bolter. Librarian Yonq Ilang and Chaplain Grifter stood in the center of the firing line, Yonq with his staff alight with sizzling blue energy and a standard bolter, Grifter with two bolters drawn, his chainsword is his waist, ready to be drawn.

Grifter glanced to his right and saw that Destiny, like all the other members of Alpha squad, were looking at him for the signal to begin the carnage, but her large eyes seemed to say something more. After all, they had been more than friends, even if that was a long time ago. He made a mental note to look out for her, and promised himself that when they get off this planet, or rather if they get off this damned planet, he would leave the Space Marines Chapter and find Destiny to pick up where they left off.

"Let's show them what the Strikeforce is made of! Weapons ready?" Grifter shouted.

"Locked and loaded!" "Give me a target sir!" "Ready to commence execution of targets!" "Affirmative!" "Ready when you are, Grifter!" "Aaahhh-wweeeee-wwwoooahh!" A shrill war cry from the lips of Battle Sister Sharlyntte somehow pumped up their adrenaline another notch and pushed their faith up, and their muscles tensed, their fingers itchy to pull the trigger on their weapons.

"I've got your flank, Grifter." Yonq Ilang smiled.

"Well there's no better way to go than this eh, old friend?" Grifter raised his bolters, took aim at the sentries and got ready to move forward. "Going down in a blaze of glory!"

"We're not going down, my dear Chaplain. Remember, the Emperor protects." Yonq Ilang grinned, knowing that over-used line somehow didn't feel so right anymore.

"Yeah, just make sure you fry em if they get too close to me." Grifter chuckled, and then shouting into his vox. "For the Strikeforce, and for the Emperor!!"

8 warriors opened fire on the surprised Orks and the day of killing began, in a spectacular explosion of fire, a blaze of plasma and coughing of bullets. The assault had begun.


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