Depressing news
First up, bird flu in hongkong. I wanna go there for a nice getaway holiday with Joan, for some sight seeing n some shopping n for HK disneyland. why'd the bird flu have to go n kill 5 pple there?? i hope the sickness goes away soon, if not the health hazard will not only harm the economy, it'll force me to think of other places to go for holiday as well.. sigh..
Next up, my good friend M and boyfriend brokeup. They just got together in end Nov in 2007! I mean, what is that guy's problem? they liked each other for many years, i think around 2-3 years liao, how can he break a girl's heart like that? does he know that M has been in love with him for more than 7 years? since she was in secondary school all the way till this year when she hits 21 years old? what the hell is his problem? trying to be super spiritual n going to SOT isn't going to change a goddamned fact that he started the relationship n now ends it. i don't get it, why bother to get into a 5 month relationship and then end it to focus on God? is that a good reason? honestly, would God tell 2 pple in love to leave each other to focus on Him, or will He use both of them to strengthen each other's faith? Christians like him make me sick. Honestly.. i can't believe it. (edited on march 24)
Finally worst hit of the day, my cell group is being disbanded. i've been in this CG for hardly 3 months n then next month, we're all going to be in different CG liao. i can't believe it. this totally sucks man. if i'd known this was going to happen, i'd have stayed in my own CG right? damn it man.. i was just getting to know some of the pple better, n i'm pretty glad to be with soohuei n qingni n amanda n william.. of cos there's some pple i don't like, but of cos i still treasure them as CG members. i really did try to make an effort to get to know them better, but still i guess it was in vain wasn' t it? we'll be split into different groups of 2 or 3 n sent to different zone. i mean, not just different CGs, but different ZONE altogther? what the heck logic is that? at first i just thought its becos there hasn't been any new friends for awhile. but then again, adult CGs don't usually have that many new friends as youth CGs right? n we did have sansan n ivan join us last month, and Boon joining us for the past 2 weeks. william suggested that charmaine's too busy so need Aiming to take over her CG. is that really a valid reason, if it is a reason at all? all this is of cos, mere speculation, but then again, if they don't tell us the reason, how can they expect us to not speculate?
More of the "just put your faith in God" kind of B.S.? or is it the "listen n obey the leaders of the church" kind of preaching? sorry i don't belive in blind brainless faith.
I'm almost going to say i want to leave all of this crap behind me n move on. I've got a life, I've got a career, I've got a girlfriend, I've got good friends, why the heck do I need to keep submitting myself to needless irritating changes in cell group systems, immature inexperienced cockanathan leaders and then get all fired up in the end? because i love God n promised to do whatever it takes to serve Him?
how is this serving the will of God? breaking a girl's heart after leading her on for so long? seperating friends who have just started building the bonds of friendship?
I have no answer, do You?
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