Disclaimer to all
Note that this blog is meant for close friends of mine, for myself to keep track of events in my life, and for certain prayers that I need to put down in words cos they're more important or shall I say, more impactful than the spoken word.
It is not meant to condemn or put anyone down (most of the time!). If anyone felt insulted or offended at anything I've written, well, honestly, don't read it.
Blogs are an expression of a person's thoughts, his emotions, his frustrations, his hopes and dreams. They're not meant to be politically correct, naseatingly fake, over polite or to be taken at face value.
Anyway at the end of the day, whatever goes down here also goes up there, I'm held accountable to Him for everything I write (not just say) and even the things I think and choose not to verbalise. So rest assured, if I do or say anything which I shouldn't, in the words of Robin:
God will judge me. *grinz*
So when you read stuff on this blog, take a break, relax, don't get all edgy and critical and worked up over a couple of words on a screen. Know the true person I am, the different sides of me, the thoughts I have about particular subjects, etc.
If you don't like it, go ahead, leave a comment n flame me. Or, you can just choose not to read. I don't owe it to you to censor my blog from you. You owe it to yourself to decide what to read and what not to.
But rest assured, I'm not targetting anyone. Just a disclaimer in general, so nobody can say I didn't warn them about the mature (or sometimes totally immature!) language and themes of my blog. Haha.
hey, sinhui here. do you know i read your blog too. anyway,i lost all my contacts :(
3:37 PM
yo...put a tag box LA!!!!!!!
den i can flame you on your blog!!!
7:41 PM
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