Friday, January 20, 2006

a good day for the me! thanks God

dear Lord,

thank You so much for a good day! i think its been a really long time since i began a prayer with thanksgiving cos lately things haven't been looking good, but who knows, praying does make a difference, You are a God who answers prayers fast! Amen!

today i really enjoyed the lesson! the teacher was good, i had my friends sitting around me, i felt much better than last year. n i actually understood most of the lesson! Hallelujah!

also had a good talk with SK n KK in the evening. yeah, SK isn't really going thru the best times in his life right now, but i pray that he still finds his way in You eventually. i made the mistake of getting into a "secret" relationship many times, n never once did any good come out o f it. i only pray that he doesn't learn this lesson the hard way..

also the 4 hour tuition with janice was really draining on me! i'm surprised that she is actually so willing to study. really pray that she comes back to You this year n this time its forever! she really needs You in her life so much, pls draw her back to Your kingdom..

when i was bathing earlier i sort of prayed to You that i felt that 2006 is the year for me to really concentrate on cg stuff. maybe not the admin, but the discipling, the praying, the Bible-reading, the example-setting, the counselling parts. i'm not good at admin cos i really am quite careless n forgetful sometimes. thank God for mikki who's doing a much better job than me! yes i'm not afraid to say that someone younger than me is doing a better job than me. n its good, even if she rises up before me. its not a competition of who's doing more things for You, but rather its about who is walking in Your will.

also anoint me to play my best for cell group tml! i haven't been playing guitar for a long time, or at least play for cell group, been playing more on the keyboard recently, i love composing music for You. but i pray that tml the atmosphere would be better, that You touch everyone's heart during worship, that the 1st cell group of the year will be a great one, an unforgetable one!

tml's gonna be another great day living for You! help me walk in Your will every single day, praying, reading Your Word, getting revelations, discipling my flesh, bowing to Your will, leaning on Your Holy Spirit!!

In Jesus name


Blogger her royal highness said...

I'm amazed that despite knowing who reads your blog, you still go on bearing your soul, not afraid of being judged. It's good that you're not afraid of being so transparent. Oh wells, God bless your 2006! Share testimonies okie!! It'd be very encouraging reads.

12:32 AM

Blogger her royal highness said...


12:33 AM

Blogger her royal highness said...

I do have a blog a little like yours.... it's under 'spiritual diary' - one of the links on my blog. but there's only one entry... hopefully, I'd write more

12:35 AM


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