Friday, May 16, 2008

Long Weekend here i come!! Strikeforce Bootcamp is gonna RAWKK!!

Alright, finally one more week of work before I fly off to Hong Kong for my holiday!! Seriously I can't wait to get out of Singapore n leave my work behind for a week or so, I just don't like the idea of being so involved in work until I don't have time for a social life! Ok, you can call me lazy or unmotivated or slacker or whatever, so what? Its my life, I can decide what I want to do with it. I mean if I can't even choose to live my life the way I want to, then what can I choose?

Then comes the questions about flowing with God and submitting to His will. To me, I think I've finally been able to find an answer.

Pple often grapple with guilt when they're doing what they like and wonder if what they're doing is gratifying the flesh and sinning against God because the easy way out is usually the wrong way out. After all, we've been told, no pain no gain, and if you're not doing something that's glorifying God then you're living in sin.

I've always been plagued by that little pang of guilt and doubt if what I'm doing is actually pleasing to God.

Whenever I feel exhilaration at striking the UDM for a Strikeforce gig which is totally unlike any other Christian ministry in church.

Whenever I accomplish a piece of work for my boss in our client's favour and somebody else is going to suffer the consequences of drafting, or when my colleague gets compared to me by the boss and he/she gets more scolding.

When I decide I'm going to leave office on time to fellowship with friends instead of doing OT in the office when its 6.30 pm, or to rush to perform for a gig, or simply to go home for dinner once a week.

When I feel that not reading the Bible or praying everyday for half an hour or not saying grace before I eat makes me a lesser Christian than others who tell of great revelations they had during their super long QT.

When friends say "I thought Christians cannot go clubbing / listen to heavy metal rock music / blah blah.." and point the accusing finger at me to mock my God.

All these things add up to guilt, shame, frustration and trying to live out the perfect life for Him while feeling miserable and incapable of being a good Christian.

But really what does the Bible say about it? God takes great delight at the prosperity of His servant. The joy of the Lord is my strength. And all those other verses which mean it is a JOY to serve HIM.

Its not all pain and suffering, blood and sweat, sacrifices and offerings. The Christian life is supposed to be a successful, exciting, enjoyable and dare I use this word - PARTYING lifestyle.

Because God loves a party. He throws many parties, even in the old testament!

So to those who wanna put Christians down for clubbing and KTVing and jamming to music, just put a sock in it and before you judge, remember if you judge others, that is how GOD will judge you.

I like my job. I like my ministry. I like my life the way it is. I love my friends and want to spend time with them. I love Joan and my family.

And above all I still love You Jesus.


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