Monday, January 15, 2007

What a nice sermon!

Dear God

my stomach feels a bit painful now.. think its cos i ate the food without heating it up. but anyway i think it'll be alright..

tml is gonna be my real first day of school. haha.. it seems so weird, that i'm actually 24 years old and still afraid of going to school. but then i do have my reasons for feeling that way.

God, i really hate being so double-minded n unstable in my thinking. one moment i can be enjoying Your presence worshipping in church, the next i can be spewing vulgarities out of my mouth, like its nobody's business.

God i'm sorry for losing my temper at joan again. i really do love her a lot, but i expect her to keep promises n secrets too. in fact i'd trust most pple until they prove me wrong.

anyway i am sorry for sinning again this morning just before i went to service. i mean, to do that kind of thing before going church, is plain sick. eunice was mentioning that she needed psychiatric help. i think she's just overreacting, but God i mayb be the one in need of some mental help!!

there're pple lying all around me. liars seems to be everywhere these days, i wonder who can i trust. no wonder the song goes, "whom have i in heaven but You" cos the way things are going, i doubt many pple can actually make it to heaven!

haha.. but seriously though, i've been so bitterly disappointed. n to be honest, i don't feel very much like being the nice guy whom everyone thinks i am.

God one of my dreams this year is to have a 200-strong audience at my party / concert. n i have to get a venue, a nice big place, book the food n prepare the logistics. i wonder if it will actually happen. God is this party in Your will? can i use it to glorify You in anyway or is it just my selfish desire to be a star for a day?

perhaps its just my personal desire. oh well...

i'm tired n i gotta wake up in less than 5 hours time but i just can't sleep. heal my stomachache Lord, its really getting painful

In Jesus name,


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