Monday, January 14, 2008

Goals for 2008

Hi God,

Here's a summary of my goals for 2008! finally did manage to spend some time on it.. will prob pray about it and print it out and paste on my room wall to remind myself daily.. might revise it cos its a bit too cluttered up with too many things, might not be realistic for some of the goals..

But still above all of this, I pray that You give me a greater vision, bigger dreams, more desires in my heart. i will not settle fore the mediocre life!! help me break my mindset about settling down and slowing the pace, but instead fill me with more passion for work, more sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, more strength and energy to perform well at work, at church, at ministry, at home, and wherever I go!

Spiritual Life / Personal emotional goals:

1. Complete Fivefold Ministry BS by end of year
2. Read the Bible for 5 minutes a day
3. QT at least 15 min a day (excluding worship - about 10 min)
4. Continue as helper in the new cell group - organise CG outings at least once every month
5. Reach out to 6 friends in 2008 and get them integrated into the cellgroup
6. Bring back 2 backsliders, help to raise up more committed ministry members
7. Learn all new hip pickles sequences and teach SF pple
8. perform in at least 12 gigs this year (average once a month) esp opening act for Singapore Arts Festival in June
9. train up more guitarists in the cell group - william, grace
10. give more for offerings at cg n svc - min $10 each time until June, then up the stakes to $20 each time min
11. Learn how to control temper, be more acommodating
12. No more vulgar words and crude behaviour
13. be more accountable to CGL and build genuine relationships with CG / ex-CG members - SMS and talk to members throughout the week, encourage each member at least once in 2008 with cards, gifts

Family Life:

1. Bring brother and girlfriend to church
2. Spend more time with parents
3. Treat family to dinner at least once every 2 months
4. Spend more effort on family members birthday gifts
5. organise more cousin-outings
6. reach out to shuhui janice


1. Spend more time going out, encouraging and studying with Joan - meet Joan at least once a week excluding svc n ministry time
2. Put more thought into special occasions and gifts
3. Build up strong friendships with certain spiritual guys and girls - who?
4. Meet up with non-church friends at least twice a month
5. Organise JC class outing


1. Read more finance news, newspapers, magazines, etc
2. Get used to waking up early and reach office by 8.45 am everyday.
3. Earn $5 k per month min by end of 2008
4. stay no later than 7 pm in office 4 out of 5 working days, no working on Sundays


1. Lose the pot belly by jogging at least 2-3 times a week - whether or not i'm alone!
2. Train up muscles by doing 30 push ups and 30 sit ups everyday
3. Take better care of my skin, visit doctor not more than 5 times a year for skin problem
4. go swimming / cycling once a month


1. pay up building fund ASAP!! Half of Jan salary goes to BF, followed by 1/3 of Feb's salary
2. start saving up money in the bank - aim to save at least $15,000 in bank by Dec, minimum savings $2500 a month from June onwards
3. start buying insurance or investment policies
4. start giving money to parents - $200 each from May onwards
5. bless Joan with better gifts and finances
6. get better gifts for friends' birthdays, weddings and special occasions - at least $100 a month
7. take taxi max 5 times a month
8. limit overall expenditure to $200 a week - food, transport, entertainment, shopping, bills
9. start payin my own handphone bills by June.
10. start planning for family life and long term goals

Entertainment / leisure:

1. get at least 7 hous sleep a day
2. go for movie twice a month minimum
3. practice keyboard at least once a week for 1 hour
4. write at least 6 new songs
5. spend maximum only 1 hour a day playing computer
6. meet up with different friends at least bi-weekly for dinner
7. go night cycling 3 times
8. go paintball another 2 times
9. learn a new dance - source for dance lessons and instructor
10. go for a holiday with Joan at least once in June


1. pack my room, throw away old books n clothes before CNY
2. blog at least once a week!
3, evaluate my progress once every 3 months

God i pray that i will roughly stick to this guideline as much as possible, and not give up after the first few weeks!

In Jesus name I pray,


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