Did I do the right thing?
She seems really upset and disappointed with everyone around her whom calls her a friend, and states that she can't believe some innocent pple would turn out to be the ones who told tall tales about her.
Although she didn't name any names, I know she means one of those pple to be me, cos I know I told Jennifer (who in turn probably told Boon) what she did in order to go overseas. To tell a convenient version of the half-truth.
To her it seems like I betrayed her trust. And yes I admit I did. But in the hopes that she sees things in the right way, that you can't lie your way out of a situation to get what you want. And believe me, I pondered over this for along time. I spoke to Julia and asked her what she would do. I really didn't want to be the bad guy, to "bao toh" you. But I guess I needed to tell a SF leader to be accountable to them.
Was the decision easy to make? Not easy at all.. But for the sake of her character moulding, I decided to do something about it. Perhaps the ministry leaders could address the issue better than me, since I'm not in a position to say or do anything.
I've seen too many pple tell little lies and don't bother about them, and end up telling bigger lies in the future, and eventually ending up in some trouble, or even if they don't, end up becoming defensive, or continue the convenient little white lies way of thinking. Look at the lawyer running away with $20 million. Did he start planning to steal the money when he started his career? Of cos not. His former classmates and friends were all stunned, and said he was a person of good character.
All bad habits begin small, if its not nipped in the bud, the small bad habit will grow. Lying, being unfaithful, smoking, stealing, laziness, anger problems, all of them start off small and balloon up into major flaws if left unchecked.
To lose a friend because I did what I felt was right, not the first time this has happened... And probably not the last.
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