Monday, September 01, 2008

Love song for the one

Verse 1:

The moon light shines down her face as she looks to
Me in our embrace and her eyes paint
A picture of love so beautiful noone can explain

We dance across the room slowly swaying
To the music that plays in our heads but noone else can
Hear the enchanting melody that isn't really there at all


You are the awesome love of my life the only one
Who can lift me up when my world comes crashing down
No other girl will ever hold a candle to you
You are the craziest girl that I've ever known
Your smile speaks louder than any word in this song
I thank God that I'm gonna live my life with you

Gonna spend the rest of my life with you

Verse 2:

So time passes by so fast we hardly knew that
we've been in love for 3 years and counting and I am falling
Deeper and deeper, I'm drowning in this ocean of love for you


waited for so long for this broken
boy who was hardly worth all you gave
you reached out your hand and pull me from my grave


Blogger PuppyLove said...

yeah my song =)

2:17 PM


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