Friday, May 06, 2005

4th day in army n 2 MCs already! hahaha..

dear Lord

so many things have happened in the past few days i hardly had time to pray or even update You on whats happening in my life right now but then again, i suppose You know everything already right? haha.. its great knowing that You're always with me even in bad times n good times, cos i really need Your wisdom n anionting n also Your favour to be upon me esp in the army..

First of all, i thank You for the many good friends tat i've made so far. pple like justin, kangzhong, yan yang and even akira, they're all really nice pple to talk to. just tat i feel so useless down there not being about to help out with anything, no motivation to go to camp at all. its not that i purposely want to chao keng, but really waking up at 6 am is a super hard task for me! so i end up taking MC cos i have no choice.. haiz.. God pls let me wake up in time for the coming new week! think i must be wise n sleep by 12 midnight everyday as well n stop talking to Joan so much on the phone! haha.. but then she was really really sick this week n i felt i had to be there for her, even if just on the phone..

Haha still remember joking with her tat Joan was SAD (Sick-a-day) on wed! haha..

and i'm also thankful for certain things.. that the stalker has finally gotten the idea n stop annoying both of us, thank God for that! on the other hand, it showed me tat i'm not really that forgiving at all, i tend to want to seek vengence n get back at others who have crossed my path, to prove a point that hey, don't mess with me or you'll regret it.

help me to forgive n forget..

but anyway yeah, Joan n i made a decision, no more

*stomach ache*


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