Saturday, July 23, 2005

Been a long time since i posted..

Dear God

Wow i think its almost been more than a month since i last posted an entry. well it doesn't matter, all it means i;ve spent more time doing the right things than blogging n doing other not-so-important stuff! hehz..

Anyway just wanna thank You for such a wonderful week! yes, like what i've taught sweekeng in BS today, every prayer begins with a praise to You! there may be many things which went wrong, n yet many many more things went right for me n i want to thank You for all these good things in my life. i got to watch 2 free movies! haha! it seems that during building fund i receive more freebies than usual! also i have more time to really relax, after the BF weekend, i really have time to settle down, n even wrote a praise song for You! actually its not really so much a praise song, rather than a song which really describes my feelings at times.. times when things r going all wrong, when You seem so far away.. yet all it takes is for me to humble myself, admit my mistakes n confess my sins, repentm n be so hungry for more of Your presence in my life...

Truly God, i need more hunger n thirst for Your presence n Your Word!

I realise as I spend more time with You, i want to fellowship more n more with You, n the reverse is true, if i spend less n less time with You, i want to fellowship less with You! this is so opposite to the thinking of the world. the world thinks, abscene makes the heart grow fonder, but rather what Pst Kong says is true, out of sight out of mind! I tend to forget the things of the Spirit so easily..

God i really pray for kenneth to come back! last week i was really so happy when he came back, yet he overslept for service. oh man! was so disappointed, i felt so sick in the stomach. wendy hasn't been doing well also, Father I pray You send the Holy Spirit to really encourage her to get to know You more, to get to know the cell group members more also. sometimes she feels that she has noone to talk to, but actually she can talk to so many pple, she just needs to make an effort to do so. Lord, i pray for HUimin as well, pls don't let her be too busy with the world n materialistic things, until she has forgotten You n the miracle of Your salvation.. Father i pray that Yongqiang n Liping truly walk in Your will all the time, bless their relationship and friendship, may they rise up to be one of the most anointed couples in church! Father, help me to reach out to the backsliders, like janice, n even pak. Also at the same time, empower me to really disciple n integrate the newer members, its such a blessing for pple like aparna, shilpa, george, jeremiah, frederick, joanna, xinyi.. oh Lord! thank You for all these souls! i believe You are even more overjoyed at their salvation, or those who aren't saved, the change in their hearts toward You! i pray that as our cell reaches out more n more to them, anoint us with Your Holy Spirit to speak the right words, to discern the matters in their lives n help them practically as well as spiritually.

Multiplication by year end! I believe it can be done, if all of us keep praying n remain faithful to the vision that You've given to Yujie.

I don't think I will be ready by then. but by Your grace, i believe that i can be ready to be the best PCGL that there is. not for my own selfish sake, but to contain the amazing growth that You've brought to our cell group! everything starts off with a dream, like what Pst Kong preached. my dream is to be a CGL by the end of the year. God, please don't let that dream die. let everything be fulfilled according to Your Word, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven today!

Regarding the matters of the heart, Father continue to guard my heart, watch over me n do not let me fall into temptation, for Your Word says You will not allow me to have temptation beyond what I can bear, n that You will always provide a way of escape! Pls let Joan realise that 2 years is really a long time, i do not wish to see her wait in vain. whatever must not be said or done now, let it be kept secret. Father, empower me to reach out to those whom once shared their lives with me.. Jessie, Phoebe, Lena, even Christine.. though i don't admit it, these pple have really touched my life in many ways, i want them to see the goodness of God in my life, i really pray for them to be saved n enter a relationship with You, the one relationship that they've been searching for in all the wrong places their whole lives.. Nothing can really satisfy the hunger n thirst except knowing You.

I guess thats all i have to say tonight. Thank You for answering my prayers. Help me be more wise in spending my money, in saving up for the building fund! i pray that as i build Your house, You will build mine. bring salvation to my family, n my closest friends, i do not know how, but i'm willing to try anything which You want me to.

Thank You for all these years, You've been putting up with my sinful behaviour, selfish n proud, n yet thru it all, You've been so patient with me, lovingly forgive me so instantly, thank You Lord.. for the promises You made, for the life Jesus gave.. let me always carry the burden of the Lord, for Your yoke is easy n Your burden is light!

In Jesus name i pray,


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