Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Chasing Cars - the song of my generation, bittersweet romance with a tinge of rebellious n yet lazy attitude

Chasing Cars

We'll do it all
On our own

We don't need
Or anyoneI

f I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see

I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Love my friends.. love my cell group members...!

Dear Lord,

its been a long while since i've posted, but recently there've been so many good things happening that i can't help but post something to say Thank You Lord!

for the wonderful cell group members tat i have. for the energy to complete my assignments n work overnight. for a wonderful girl who seems to really love me inspite of all my short comings. for the talentime finals. for the financial blessings for my birthday. for the oppertunities to perform for the strikeforce. for the change in my cg team members to those whom i can impact n influence. for a whole load of other blessings, big n small, that You've sent into my life.

Dear Lord, i thank You for everything, but most of all, I thank You for You.

last night the prayer meeting was really great! its been sooooo long since i last went to jurong west to pray at a prayer meeting, n the presence of God was really strong.. indeed, the lyrics are what i want to say to You.. The greatest thing in all my life is loving You.

but then again, can i honestly say that i love You? recently it seems that i'm giving in to my flesh more n more, even more so than even i was a christian.. is it that i'm dead in my heart, dead in my spirit, so i now just yield to the flesh without a fight? is it that i'm so tired of fighting a war which i can never seem to win, tired of fighting battles everyday which nobody but You knows, n have simply given up hope?

what hopes have i given up? firstly, the dream to be a cell leader. puff up in smoke.

what other hopes? i dunno.. i really dunno anymore. i wanted to be a musician. but they said there were too many keyboardists. i dun really want to be a singer. i know i don't have the voice, n while i like to sing, i prefer to play the instruments which really change the mood of the song.

but i guess it doesn't matter. i'll just settle for the mediocre. cos i have no more strength to go for the perfect plan that God has for me. i'd be contented serving You and loving You in whatever way i can. ambitions to do great things.. well if it comes to pass, then good, if it doens't, i'll always be able to do new things.

disppointment by failing to win 2 talentimes? perhaps.

i'm so tired of studying n serving n forcing myself to do things which i don't fell like doing, n abstain from things i feel like doing. oh God, help me to be strong in my weakness, help me to overcome things which i just don't have the strength to.

Lord, thank You for friends in my life. good friends who love me for who i am, who support me n encourage me. but at the same time, i think some friends will have to move on in their walk, as they go to a different path from me. first it was eunice. soon it will be mikki.

oh well doesn't matter. i always got the N280 special ops unit! hahaha.. that was really fun, the 9 of us guys hanging out n having good godly fun, despite the drinking n stuff. i have no idea why they like to drink alcohol, i don't need some liquid to give me an artificial high when i can enjoy the fellowship of my cell group friends. thats more than enough "high" for me!

the feeling of being a leader, to be able to command a group to charge into enemy territory, without them questioning me but trusting me that everything i say would be right. that i would lead them to victory. n i do.

Lord i pray for the peace of north korea, that You quickly dispose of that evil leader. oh man, he's really pissing off a lot of pple n if it escalates, i think we may even see war. a last resort surely, but with such communist idiots, one can never tell.

anyway Joan is coming over to study with me. i'm too tired to object n i do want someone to talk to, someone i feel comfortable sharing stuff with, someone who's not too busy to talk to me.

in Jesus name,

Monday, October 02, 2006

its been a while... Lord...

dear heavenly Father,

its really been a long time since i really read the Bible n prayed. in fact, right after shawn challenged me to get my spiritual life in order, exams n projects just poured out on me, n i totally lost focus again, after about 3 days of bible reading n praying.

old bad habits springing back again. vulgarity scolding, shirking from responsibilities, temptation to skip service n sleep in, pornography, calling joan at night again.. it seems that i have mountains of sins which prevent me from reaching out to God..

Lord, i'm sorry, help me.. i'm really trying my best to do the right thing at the right time, to really learn to love You and live for You... just that sometimes, things don't work out the way i want them to. more often than not, whatever i intended for good turned out the wrong way.

God i want to live a single life for You, a single standard, no matter where i am, in the car, in my room, alone or in a group, with friends or in church, wherever i go, i really really want to be the same person, not pretending to be a professional christian.

what joan said to me last night was something which i already knew many many years ago. loving God is both the easiest thing to do, and yet sometimes the most difficult thing to do as well. the paradox of loving God.

but i want You to know that i'm still trying my best for You. i want You to know that all i want is still to worship You n to obey Your Word. all i want is to be successful in life, not so i can boast n become proud, but so that i can glorify You in front of my family n friends. No i who lives but Christ who lives in me has produced the results that they see today. oh man, what a powerful testimony that would be! but alas.. i find myself sinking lower every time i try to pick myself up n move on with God..

God i miss my friends. my cell group members, my choir team helpers, my primary school friends, my JC friends.

God, its my birthday this thurs. thank You for real caring friends, like joan n clarence who asked me what i wanted for my birthday this year. truth be told, what i want cannot be bought by money. what i want, or rather who i want is You. for You are the one who leads me on, You are the only one who can direct me in my life when all is lost, when i'm weak, You lift me up with supernatural strength. God, what i want for my birthday wish is You.. and no other.

My birthday wish.. is to once again build up a strong trustin love relationship with You.

Yup.. and i will get to work on it right away by reading the Bible.. i know sometimes i get down n lose focus, but i wana be with You, i wanna know You for who You are, and what You have in store for my life.

In Jesus name,